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Ha-Shlamah, R. Meshullam ben Moses, Paris 1885

ספר ההשלמה - First Edition

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  • Lot Number 47564
  • Title (English) Ha-Shlamah
  • Title (Hebrew) ספר ההשלמה
  • Note First Edition
  • Author R. Meshullam ben Moses
  • City Paris
  • Publication Date 1885
  • Estimated Price - Low 200
  • Estimated Price - High 500

  • Item # 1387603
  • End Date
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Physical Description

folio, [2], ix, [1]pp., 74 ff. 355:210 mm., nice margins, usual light age staining. A very good copy bound in contemporary boards, rubbed.


Detail Description

Novellae on Seder Nezikin by one of the most prominent scholars of Provence in the 13th century, R. Meshullam ben Moses of Béziers. This volume is on tratates Bava Kanna and Bava Metzia. The title-page informs describes R. Meshullam as one of the Ba’ale Tosphot and Hochmei Luniel and then tells that it was printed from a manuscript unknown for hundreds of years until found by Baron Ginsburg. There are approbations from R. Isaac Elchanon ben Israel Issur, R. Joseph Dovber ha-Levi, R. R, Mordecai gimpelRozina, and R. Samuel Moheliar. There is a brief introduction by the author found in a manuscript in Berlin, and then a detailed forward by R. Judah Lubetzky who has also provided a comprehensive commentary to the text. R. Meshullam is chiefly renowned for Sefer ha-Hashlamah, designed to complete the halakhot of R. Isaac Alfasi , explaining its difficult passages, adding halakhot that do not appear in it, updating it with the Provençal tradition of scholarship, and dealing with criticisms of the work, including those of R. Zerahiah ha-Levi Gerondi in his Ha-Ma'or – all this in order to give it uncontested authority. Indeed, R. Menahem Meiri , who wrote more than 50 years later, refers to Alfasi in the same breath as the Sefer ha-Hashlamah, thus showing it to be the standard version of Alfasi in his locality R. Meshullam based his work chiefly upon the teachings of the earlier scholars of Provence, and shows especially high regard for R. Abraham b. David of Posquières, though he does not hesitate to disagree with him on occasion.

R. Meshullam ben Moses (c. 1175–c. 1250), was born in Lunel into one of the distinguished families of Provençal Jewry, went to Béziers with his father, R. Moses ben Judah, one of the leaders of the community and friend of R, Abraham b. David of Posquières and R. Zerahiah ha-Levi Gerondi . Meshullam's maternal grandfather was R. Meshullam b. Jacob of Lunel . His sister's son was R. Meir b. Simeon ha-Me'ili of Narbonne, author of Ha-Me'orot. Among R. Meshullam's grandsons were the renowned 14th-century talmudists and scholars of the Lattes family. R. Meshullam typifies the remarkable Provençal blending of Torah and general culture. He is known to have taken a definite stand against the new trend favoring the study of Kabbalah, then making inroads among the Jews of Provence, and supported his sister’s son, R. Meir, in his opposition to the Sefer ha-Bahir. R. Meshullam was highly regarded in France and Spain,


Hebrew Description

לסדר נזיקין, המשלים הלכות הרי"ף [ר’ יצחק אלפאסי] ז"ל, לרבינו משולם ב"ר משה ב"ר יהודה ז"ל מבדריש... העתקתיו מכתב יד הנמצא בבית אוצר הספרים אשר להגביר הבאראן [דוד] גינצבורג הי"ו בפאריש. הגהתיו וכתבתי... (מבוא, תולדות רבינו משולם), הערות ובאורים... בשם תורת ההשלמה ... יהודה לובעצקי ... חלק א-ג.

חלק א: בבא קמא ובבא מציעא. פאריש, דפוס I. Moeglin, תרמ"ה- (תרמ"ז), [1885-1887]. [2] דף, XIX, [1] עמ’; פב, עג-עד דף.

בשער: תרמ"ה. קולופון: "נברך על המוגמר... תמוז... תרמ"ז".

נראה, ששני הדפים האחרונים, עג-עד, נדפסו אחרי הפסקה בהדפסה. הם נדפסו בדפוס Cerf et fils בוורסיי. שמו של הדפוס מופיע בשולי הדף האחרון.

דף [2], בראש הספר: בעמ’ א הסכמות הרבנים ובעמ’ ב "הקדמת המחבר". XIX, [1] עמ’: מבוא. ראינו טפסים בהם נדפסה בדף [2] אגרת מאת ר’ צדוק כהן, רבה של פאריס (בצרפתית ובתרגום עברי) ומעבר לדף זה נדפסו ההסכמות. בטפסים אלו הקדמת המחבר נדפסה בעמ’ I, והמבוא מתחיל בעמ’ II. בטפסים אלו שני העמודים הראשונים של המבוא נדפסו בצפיפות. בעמודים הבאים של המבוא אין שינויים. ‬

ראינו טופס של חלק א על קלף.



Bibliography of the Hebrew Book 1470-1960 #000150557; EJ