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Hafez Hayyim; Shemirat Ha-Lashon, R. Israel Meir Ha-Kohen, Warsaw 1891

חפץ חיים, שמירת הלשון, אהבת חסד - Muga

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  • Lot Number 47863
  • Title (English) Hafez Hayyim; Shemirat Ha-Lashon; Ahavat Hesed
  • Title (Hebrew) חפץ חיים, שמירת הלשון, אהבת חסד
  • Note Muga
  • Author R. Israel Meir Ha-Kohen
  • City Warsaw
  • Publisher (B. Tursh)
  • Publication Date 1891
  • Estimated Price - Low 200
  • Estimated Price - High 500

  • Item # 1417312
  • End Date
  • Start Date

Physical Description

156; 88; 112 pp., quarto, 230:162 mm., usual age staining, wide margins. A very good copy bound in contemporary cloth over boards, rubbed and split.

Hafez Hayyim with the "muga" inscription twice in ink. The Hafez Hayyim checked each volume for completeness and inscribed "muga"  when complete.


Detail Description

Modern classic on the laws of permitted and prohibited speech by the acclaimed sage and zaddik R. Israel Meir Ha-Kohen (Hafez Hayyim). Hafez Hayyim, published anonymously when the author was only thirty five, is designed to teach the laws of lashon hara (forbidden speech). The title page begins with the verse, “’Who is the man who desires life (hafez hayyim)’ etc. ‘Keep your tongue from evil’” (Psalms 34 121, 14). It informs that the book is on the prohibition of slander and tale bearing and explains both the general concepts and all the details of the laws on the subject. There are approbations and an introduction followed by the text which is comprised of Mekor Hayyim and and detailed glosses Ba’er Mayyim Hayyim.

Shemirat Ha-Lashon basic ethical work by R. Israel Meir Ha-Kohen (Hafez Hayyim, 1838-1933). Shemirat Ha-Lashon has the phrase, from which the title is taken, “Whoever guards his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from troubles” (Proverbs 21:23). It addresses the subject of lashon hara. The verso of the title page has approbations and a list of the abbreviations used in the work, followed by the introduction, contents, and the text. Bibliographic sources often date publication of Shemirat Ha-Lashon as 1879. However, from both the Hebrew and common era dates it is clear that the publication date was 1876. Shemirat Ha-Lashon is one of the most influential contemporary ethical books. It is a primary source book for ethical study groups as well as being studied by individuals throughout the world.

R. Israel Meir Ha-Kohen (Hafez Hayyim, 1838–1933) is one of the most saintly figures in modern Judaism. Of humble origin, he was taught until the age of ten by his parents and then went to Vilna where he continued his studies. His surname Poupko is hardly known to even those who revere him; he is always referred to as Hafez Hayyim after the Sefer Hafez Hayyim, his first book. Hafez Hayyim’s personality, piety, humility of conduct, integrity of thought and action, together with his books, exercised a tremendous influence on religious leaders, and fascinated the general Jewish public, to whom he became a much beloved leader and moral guide. Hundreds of sayings full of practical wisdom are attributed to him, and hundreds of stories both factual and legendary, all rich in morals, are reported about his life.


Hebrew Description

... חפץ חיים, על הלכות איסורי לשה"ר [לשון הרע] ורכילות ואבק שלהן... על פי הלכה היוצאת מן התלמוד והפוסקים... הפנים יקרא בשם מקור החיים ... בו יבואר עקרי ההלכה בקיצור. ובאור סביב לו... בשם באר מים חיים לבאר בו טעמי ההלכות וחלוקיהן באריכות וגם יגלה... מקור שרשו מן הש"ס והפוסקים. ונחלק לשני חלקים, א. הלכות איסורי לשה"ר, ב. הלכות איסורי רכילות, [מאת ר' ישראל מאיר הכהן]...

שמו של המדפיס באותיות קיריליות.

בשער פרט של תרמ"ד (בלי התאריך 1884). ד"ס של הוצאה זו.

שמירת הלשון ויפתחו בו שלשה שערים... שער הזכירה... בו נאסף ונקבץ אגדות חז"ל... המעוררים ומזכירים לאדם את גודל השכר... עבור שמירת הלשון מדבורים אסורים ולהיפך גודל העונש... שער התבונה... בו יבואר כמה עצות ותחבולות איך להנצל מעון המר הזה... ואגב יבואר בו כמה מדות אחרות הנכללות במדת שמירת הלשון... שער התורה. בו יבואר גודל השכר למי שמקדש את דיבורו בתורה ולמי שמחזיק בתורה ולהיפך גודל העונש למי שמתרפה ממנה.

שמו של המדפיס באותיות קיריליות.

בשער: הוצאה חמישית תרנ"ה. ד"ס של הוצאה זו.



BE Het 1085; EJ; CD-NLI 0140552; 0140640