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Tosefta, R. Mordecai Ish Shalom (Friedman), Paks 1900-01

תוספתא ע"פ תכלת מרדכי חלק ב-ג, סדר מועד - Only Edition

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  • Lot Number 50326
  • Title (English) Tosefta
  • Title (Hebrew) תוספתא ע"ב תנא תוספאה
  • Note First Edition
  • Author R. Shmuel Avigdor ben Abraham of Slonim
  • City Paks
  • Publisher דפוס מאיר ראזענבוים
  • Publication Date 1900-01
  • Estimated Price - Low 200
  • Estimated Price - High 500

  • Item # 1619079
  • End Date
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Physical Description

Only edition. Two Parts in one volume, quarto, 225:145 mm., wide margins, light age staining, stamps. A very good copy bound in later boards, rubbed.


Detailed  Description 

Only edition of this commentary on the Tosefta, Seder Mo'ad by R. Mordecai b. Ya'acov Ish Shalom (Friedman; d.1928) rabbi of Tét, a town in Győr-Moson-Sopron county, Hungary from 1895-1912, thereafter, rabbi ofBerettyóújfalu  until his passing. He studied at the Yeshiva of the Ktav Sofer and R. Koppel Reich in Budapest, and became one of the more prominent rabbinical leaders in Hungary. His commentary to the Tosefta testifies to his vast knownledge in Rabbincs and scholarship.

Tosefta, literally an "additional" or "supplementary" halakhic or aggadic tradition, i.e., one not included in the Mishnah of R. Judah ha-Nasi . Originally the term was used to designate any individual additional or supplementary tannaitic tradition, and so was virtually synonymous with the later Babylonian term baraita . In the later Babylonian tradition the term "tosefta" was used to designate a particular body of such baraitot (Kid. 49b; Meg. 28b; Shav. 41b), and eventually it came to denote a particular literary work, "the Tosefta" – a collection of halakhic and aggadic baraitot, organized according to the order of the Mishnah, and serving as a companion volume to it. Though there may once have been other such collections of tannaitic halakhot and aggadot, the Tosefta is the only such collection to have come down to us, and together with the extant Midrashei Halakhah , it provides the student with direct access to a large body of ancient tannaitic sources, without the mediation of later amoraic and post-amoraic talmudic tradition. In addition to containing two additional layers of tannaitic traditions, there are two primary differences between the Mishnah and the Tosefta. First, the Tosefta is some three to four times larger than the Mishnah. Second, the overall order of the units of tradition found in the Tosefta is largely dictated, not by internal criteria, but rather by the external standard of the order of the Mishnah. It would therefore be fair to say that the Tosefta as a whole represents a kind of proto-talmud to the Mishnah – a large collection of tannaitic traditions whose purpose is to supplement, to complement, and in various other ways to expand upon the Mishnah of R. Judah Ha-Nasi.


Hebrew Description

עם פי’ תכלת מרדכי ... מבאר כל חמירא ... הן בחסרות ויתירות ... הן בחילופי גרסאות ... והן במחלפות השיטה ופלוגתא ... בין ש"ס בבלי וירושלמי והתוספתא, וגם ... שיטת הראשונים והפוסקים ... ונלוה אליהם מעט מזעיר מדברי האחרונים ... עם מראה מקומות וציונים ... ומקורות ... עם תוספת נופך משלי הערות ... וסברות ... סדרתי וחברתי ... הצעיר לבית יעקב, מרדכי (פריעדמאן) ... איש שלום רב דק"ק טעטה. חלק א-ג.

חלק ב: פסחים, שקלים, יומא, סוכה. תר"ס. [3], קצא עמ’.

חלק ג: ביצה, ר"ה (ראש השנה), תענית, מגילה, מו"ק (מועד קטן), חגיגה. ונלוה אליו בסופו קונטרס פתיל תכלת (על התוספתא דשבת, עירובין ופסחים ... הגהות ופירושים ... אשר לא הובאו בפנים). תרס"א. ח, קסח עמ’.



Bibliography of the Hebrew Book 1470-1960 #000181780; Hatam Sofer p. 595