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Nagid u-Mezavveh, R. Jacob Zemah, Livorno 1795

נגיד ומצוה - Kabbalah

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  • Lot Number 50555
  • Title (English) Va’adNagid u-Mezavveh
  • Title (Hebrew) נגיד ומצוה
  • Note Kabbalah
  • Author R. Jacob Zemah
  • City Livorno
  • Publisher דפוס יעקב נוניס ואיס ורפאל מילדולה
  • Publication Date 1795
  • Estimated Price - Low 200
  • Estimated Price - High 500

  • Item # 1638861
  • End Date
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Physical Description

 108 ff. octavo 146:91 mm., usual age staining, nice margins. A very good copy bound in later boards, split.


Detail Description

Nagid u-Mezavveh, is an important anthology of Lurianic customs which served as the basis for Shulhan Arukh shel ha-Ari. Due to the frequent republication of Nagid u-Mezavveh, many customs of the Ari became widely familiar. The title page is dated with the chronogram with the chronogram.

R. Jacob ben Hayyim Zemah (d. after 1665) was a kabbalist and physician. A member of a Converso family in northern Portugal, he first served as a physician. He decided to go to Eretz Israel and passed through Salonika where he studied Torah. Some time between 1610 and 1620, he settled in Safed and learned Talmud and Kabbalah. In approximately 1628 he left for Damascus, and studied the Lurianic Kabbalah under R. Samuel ben Ḥayyim Vital. Around 1640 he settled in Jerusalem where he became one of the leading kabbalists. He was among the Jerusalem opponents of Shabbetai Ẓevi who excommunicated him when he first claimed to be the messiah in 1665.

R. Zemah many works, rely on R. Ḥayyim Vital’s Kabbalah . Nevertheless, his contribution to the literary consolidation of Lurianic Kabbalah is important, as are his citations of contemporary kabbalists, e.g., R. Joseph ibn Tabul. In his introduction to Kol ba-Ramah, he complains that Lurianic Kabbalah is not much studied. R. Zemaḥ left many works, partly in manuscript. In the aforesaid introduction he gives details of his literary activities. His works include: (1) introductions to and glosses on various works; (2) Zohar ha-Raki'a (Korzec, 1785), a commentary on sayings of Sifra di-Ẓeni'uta, and the Idra of the Zohar; (3) Zer Zahav, an explanation of every item in the Oraḥ Ḥayyim section of the Shulḥan Arukh according to the *Zohar and the Lurianic Kabbalah; (4) Leḥem min ha-Shamayim (Munkacs, 1905), a compilation of Lurianic customs of which the printed version differs from the manuscripts; (5) Nagid u-Meẓavveh (Amsterdam, 1712), an important anthology of Lurianic customs which served as the basis for Shulḥan Arukh shel ha-Ari. Due to frequent republication, many customs of Luria became widely familiar (the manuscript version is much longer than the printed); (6) Ẓemaḥ Ẓaddik (Korzec, 1785), kabbalistic homilies; (7) Kol ba-Ramah (ibid., 1785), a commentary on the Idras; here too the manuscript is longer than the printed version and is preceded by a very important introduction.


Hebrew Description

... ונתעוררתי אני... דניאל בהרב המנוח מוהר"ר אריה ליב מק"ק זאריק ... ממדינת פולניא לחזור ולהדפיסו... זכות ... המחבר יגן בעדי ויחזירני לארץ מולדתי... (חלק א-ב).

שולחן ערוך על דרך האמת ... כל המנהגים וכונות עשיית המצות בקיצור... אשר אסף ... ר' יעקב חיים צמח זלה"ה מכתבי מוהרח"ו [ר' חיים וויטאל] ...

דף קה-קח: נבואת הילד.

ר' יעקב צמח חיבר שתי מהדורות של "נגיד ומצוה", האחת קצרה והשניה רחבה. לדעתו של הרב חיד"א הנדפס הוא הנוסח הקצר (ואף הוא לא נדפס בשלמות). זו גם דעתו של ג' שלום, קרית ספר, כו, תש"י, עמ' 190 הערה 24, הכותב: "שהנוסח הנדפס [של ספר נגיד ומצוה] אינו קיצור מן הספר הגדול [שנשאר בכתב יד]... אלא מהדורא קמא". אולם לדעת י' אביב"י (קרית ספר, נח, תשמ"ג, עמ' 191-188) הנדפס הוא הנוסח הארוך דווקא, והנוסח הקצר הוא חיבור בשם "לחם מן השמים", הנמצא בכתבי-יד ("לחם מן השמים" זה שונה מחיבורו של ר' יעקב צמח "לחם מן השמים", מונקאטש תרס"ה). חלק מ"נגיד ומצוה" הקצר נכלל בספר מאירת עינים, בעריכת ר' שלמה גבאי, קושטנדינא תכ"ו.
הספר "שולחן ערוך האר"י" (הוצאה ראשונה: [קראקא, ת"ך בערך]) הוא עיבוד של הספר הנוכחי.



Bibliography of the Hebrew Book 1470-1960 #000161004; EJ